Teorie didactica

Tipuri de profesori TIC

Resurse variate
Teoriile invatarii
Stilurile de invatare
Tipuri de profesori TIC
Activitati folosind Internetul
Metode pedagogice
Proiect didactic lectie cu TIC


17. Une formation aux technologies de l’information et de la communication à leur

emploi pédagogique dans la salle de classe.

18. Une formation aux technologies de l’information et de la communication dans le

domaine de la planification personnelle, l’organisation et la découverte de ressources.


I do not know how to operate a multimedia computer system.


I use the computer to run a few specific, pre-loaded programs. I sometimes save documents I’ve created but often cannot control or identify where they are saved.


I use operating system tools to install software, access programs or files in other drives (such as CD-ROM in drive d:/), and save and delete files within the context of Macintosh, Windows, and networked systems. I create my own folders to keep my files organized and maintain backups of my work.


I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners to teach my students to access programs or files in other drives, save and delete files, organize folders, and maintain backups within the context of Macintosh, Windows, and networked systems.


I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities that teach my students to access programs or files in other drives, save and delete files, organize folders, and maintain backups within the context of Macintosh, Windows, and networked systems.

Cunoaste operatii si concepte de baza ale echipamentului electronic

Stie sa lucreze cu un computer multimedia

Use terminology related to computers and technology

Describe and implement basic trouble-shooting techniques



(material in lucru ce va contine si fragmente din lucrari pedagogice de pe Internet - [preluari Mihai Diaconu] )